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Monday, January 05, 2009

A New Hope...

No, it's not Episode IV, it's the new Ubuntu based OS I installed very easily and that works fabulously on my EEE PC 900. eeeBuntu is lightweight and therefore fast, has a nice feel to it without sacrificing functionality.

So far, very impressed. Let's hope it keeps that way.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Wiki Wiki Web, On My Computer!

I finally got a working version of mediawiki working on my home server after i had a nice time screwing up and sub-sequently fixing mysql and apache.

Anyway, finally got it and started configuring the wiki, which i have decided to change from it's original purpose, a family wiki, to a wiki to be contributed by friends and family alike. I have to decide in what language I'm finally going to convert it to, but it's likely to be Spanish, as I believe it will be my friends that will (ab)use the wiki to start with.

Next step, ftp server.

Ah by the way, all this I have done from the comfort of my EEE PC, except when fixing the MySQL problem.

Stay tuned for more news.

My new little friend...

Well, as Santa didn't bring it to me I had to hunt it down myself. I'm referring to the Asus EEE pc 900 in black that eventually arrived after DHL kept me waiting for an extra day due to a mistake made by the delivery man.

As my mum pointed out, it's been called the "bloggers laptop", so I thought I would honour the name by starting to post more regularly on my poor abandoned blog.

The main reason for buying the EEE PC was so that I can spend more time in the living-room with my family, opposed to working from the desktop computer in another room in our flat. The criteria to be met was that it had to be relatively small (which it definately is), it had to have integrated wireless and be cheap. The EEE met all this perfectly.

The fact of the matter is that I'm discovering that it's actually quite comfortable to type with the small keyboard; not perfect but very acceptable.

After having installed a full-blown version of Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex and having spent a couple of days tweaking it, I'm ready to take on a project; installing a wiki and ftp server on the main desktop through remote desktop from the EEE. I'm using FreeNX and have only found one problem: the down arrow key seems to be substituted with the PrintScreen key, so everytime I press it I get a screenshot of the desktop. Oh well.

As soon as the result is ready I'll post some screenshots, as the wiki and ftp server are intended to be for private use only and therefore not accesible to the public.

I wish myself best of luck.