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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The beat goes on...

I'm sitting at Chocolateria Valor in the centre of Torrevieja, waiting for Morag for our lunch date and trying to appear important, tapping away on my netbook.
The easter holidays start tomorrow, so we all have a small break to look forward to; it couldn't come at a better time. It just feels like we're all living day by day, having to fight everything and everyone, for different reasons but to one end: live our daily lives more or less in peace.

The world's in a mess and it feels like we're helplessly watching outside from behind a slightly gaping door, every so often seeing how a small catastrophe sneaks in through our legs and trying to convince it to go away, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.

Things just add and add to the stress and the load and when you seem to have gotten rid of something big and important, it doesn't feel like you've actually achieved to do anything, the feeling just doesn't go away.

"Next year will be better", I mutter to myself.

Deja vĂ¹.

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